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This is the website of the Bearspaw Country Estates Home Owners Association. The community has been around since 2004 and consists of 61 two and four acre lots and is located 2.6km north of Highway 1A on Lochend Road.

The HOA has engaged Astoria Asset Management to act as the property manager for accounting and administrative matters. Their privacy policy can be viewed here .

The MD of Rocky View has classified the "Parks and Open Space" areas within the community as requiring a Maintenance Level C. The "Pathways and Trails" are classified as requiring a Maintenance Level 2.
Details of these maintenance levels can by found on the MD website here

Rural Crimewatch

The HOA pays the annual fee for your participation in the Cochrane Foothills Protective Association - Rural Crime Watch https://www.cfparcw.ca/. As a member you receive various updates on crime in the area as well as tips to protect yourself. The Board of the HOA believes the following benefits will be obtained by having as many Owners join as possible:
  • Increased awareness among neighbours
  • Increased collaboration and communication among neighbours
  • The Foothills Protective Association has an established relationship with and is in close contact with RCMP
  • Increased reporting of suspicious activity leads to higher rate of apprehending those responsible for crime in the area

A brochure about the Cochrane Foothills Protective Association can be found here and the application form for membership here In addition we have a dedicated email address for you to report any suspicious activity - crimewatch@bearspawcountryestates.com. The email goes directly to a member of legal enforcement. We have been lucky in the past few years to have had no major incidents and appreciate all the reports and information sharing.

Useful links

Community / HOA:



Pictures of the Community